Tuesday 10 March 2009

People should realise the Mathematical impossibility of Amway scheme

It is the 'mathematical impossibility' that the Supreme Court of India recently commented upon while delivering a judgement in a similar case that of Amway. In the historical judgement, the Supreme Court stressed that it is outright cheating people in the name of pyramidical structure business and naturally attracts the provisions of Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code. The Supreme Court pointed out that the organisers of such schemes know well that it is not going to work forever and they also know that the chain is going break soon. Still, they induce the gullible to join the scheme with the promise of easy and quick rich.
The judgement was delivered on September 15, 2008 in a writ petition from the State of Kerala in India.
Referring to the mathematical impossibility, the Supreme Court of India pointed out that joining people in the chain schemes is cheating because the chain is going to break soon and the organisers of such schemes know it well. In the Amway scheme too people have to join 101 people in one leg to complete one chain and at the 13th level the whole population would exhaust and where would they go to recruit more people in the chain.
It is high time, people realised the pitfalls of such schemes and whenever they feel they are cheated they should immediately lodge a complaint with the police. Now if it is Andhra Pradesh it is to file a criminal case against such companies since the DGP issued instructions to all police stations to that effect. If anybody faces problems, they can contact Corporate Frauds Watch for help. They need not worry of filing criminal cases against their friends and relatives who got them joined in the scheme. They could directly face criminal cases against the companies for inducing them with false promises.


IBOFB said...

Yup. Standard old stuff. Assume MLM is a pyramid scheme, then attack MLM for the weaknesses of pyramid schemes.

Amway is not an "endless chain", not even remotely. Have you actually ever bothered to study the compensation plan? The distribution, and payment, "chain" goes from direct distributor to customer, not "endlessly". The FTC when it investigated Amway found the average length of this chain was comparable to traditional distribution, with more than half being 3 or less "links".

There's a saying in computers - Garbage In, Garbage Out.

If your premises are wrong, you can't help but come to a false conclusion.

It's the sad thing about the internet, that folk who have no idea what they are talking about can put up official sounding webpages and pretend to be an expert.

Even worse when they waste police time. Three? 3? How many folk work with Amway in Andhra Pradesh? hahahahahhahahahah Some win.

quixtarisacult said...


In order to provide your readers with a more balance view of the Amway closed market swindle, this fellow, ibofb, a.k.a. insider, a.k.a. David Steadson, operates a vast web portal where Amway is portrayed as a wonderful success. Indeed, he loves to describe 'the take' from your fellows 'the taken' as a success. The success here are the Ada, Michigan, USA cult initiators of the swindle. Significantly enough, Amway's reputation is in the toilet in the United States. These scammers to include this former Australian operating out of Sweden want your fellow citizens to completely ignore what Amway has done to literally millions of 'taken' Americans who bought all the early lies, and then found themselves holding 'the trick bag!' There is a reason Amway's reputation is in the toilet in the US. It simply belongs there.

Are your fellows being told that if you fail to succeed in Amway, you must be doing something wrong? That Amway will work if it is done correctly? What a reality inverting out for these swindlers after they have your money, make you feel that you are somehow to be held to blame for being taken in their swindle?

Shyam, this fellow attempts to trip you up over your choice of words; merely a ploy to try to discredit you and maintain the Amway myths which is an intentional attempt to defraud your fellow man.

This is the Swedish Swindler. Your fellow man must be told. Carry on the good work my friend!

Prasanna T.G. said...

Amway doesn't depend on the number of people as you say. It depends on how much TURNOVER you give to the concern. Make sure, you understand it completely before making a comment on it

quixtarisacult said...

The esteemed Thiruvenkatanathapuram Govindarajan Prasanna...

You appropriately say the words which are truly appropriate: turnover--in fact you shout it by your use of capitalization. hmmm?

Okay, listen clearly...

...the 'turnover' is what your fellow man will be doing with their 'living' all to enrich American Scoundrels who are intent to prey on you and your fellow country men, and no real need for shouting here. Shyam, as far as I can determine is an honorable man.

Do people in your country not understand who you are being asked to 'get involved? ...scoundrels, schemers, swindlers, kingpins, cult liars, the world Amway cult. Amway, who almost always like to proclaim that they, the prestigious world swindlers are really just #2 and makes them significantly enough liars We know what that means in the US; actually these folks who use mind numbing logic in their swindle fail to mention that they most likely believe that misrepresentation is actually a lie, making the Sayer a liar, something they fail to mention as they persist in another of their wonderful myths. This fellow wants to sell you the people's car as the people's business, all significantly a fraud of the highest magnitude. I actually believed that the pride of your country is in the throwing out of foreign tyrants, and possibly you do not realize what kind of totalitarian affair this AmScam is, all now significantly occupying your country.

The trojan horse has occupied the world's largest democracy India, after first significantly operating their swindle in the US, whose market it called flat? Well, who wouldn't wonder, after all the swindling Amway has done in the US? This now to the shame of those in the US who operate this world engulfing closed market swindle and cult. I suppose Scientology and the Unification Church have plenty of other victims they can all get a piece of the action?

Yes, even Amway is most likely envious of the likes of other direct sellers who don't have their unsavory bad reputation?

Then again, Mary Kay actually approaches the most pernicious of female cults, but many times is a soul destroying, family altering affair, just as pernicious as Amway.

I realize you are a young and impressionable man, who I guess I must call TG. Hmmm? T. G. "Too Good?" Yeah, I'll call you Too Good to be True or simply TGBT.

Mr. TGBT, are you advocating a 'swindle' to your fellow citizens of India? Aren't all citizens of your country a proud people?

If you indeed have been swindled into the Amway world cult, all ran by charlatans in the US, then I advise that you be educated about what this scam affair has already wrought in the US?

Mr. TGTB, you are the one here that doesn't understand?

Be careful what you advocate?

Charges can be booked against you if you are involved in a mythological 'business' that violates the laws of your most renown independently minded justices and therefore the people themselves.

Do you know it is a crime to engage in Amway according to the justices of the highest court in your land?

TG, please be careful. Wisdom comes with understanding, and most likely you have at the very least been exposed to deceits, some possibly those expressed by the esteemed Swedish Swindler, here who has been appearing on your homelands Corporate Fraud Watch by Shyam, a India patriot for boldly exposing the Amway swindle as a crime!

This other fellow, a reality inverting cult invoking swindler, promoter of 'fraud' in your country uses tactics of a scoundrel, trying to discredit your country man as a communist? all this while he then promotes the Amway 'closed market swindle' himself in the most Communist of Nations in the entire world, China!

Actually, Amway the once American Way has taken its last refuge in China? Isn't China communist? Shyam, the last I understood, your nation is a democracy isn't it? Isn't China, where Amway is operating its swindle, all 'behind the iron curtain' where the regime routinely prevents the truth about Amway's affairs in the US to be read by its citizens. Amway can then be free to carry out the same basically unchanged scheme that successfully took millions in the United States.

Any proponent of an outlawed, legally determined violation of law in India is intentionally guilty of intent to defraud Indian citizens.

The message that is important for you to hear then is, 'if you are involved in Amway in India, you are in violation of the law' plain and simple; what is there not to not understand here? Charges may be filed against you if you are caught participating in a violation of your own Indian laws or legal codes.

India has always represented something to the world. A country with the insight to see what Amway is, has wrought historically speaking, and has declared it to be--a reality inverting world cult closed market swindle, a money circulating swindle con job! Shyam, I would place a link on your blog allowing all your readers to see what your highest legal judges and mind in your country have correctly determined, 2-1 that Amway violates Indian law. Any citizen of your country who is agrieved by Amway has the duty to book charges, as against any common criminal.

Shyam, you are a hero to your fellow man, although this TG fellow, possibly an exchange student or something, lacks understanding. This other fellow, IBOFB is attacking you because truth is the greatest enemy of all cults.